
Dear friends!

Our next scheduled speed dating event in Moscow is on

Wedn, August 3rd from 8PM to 10:30PM in club B2

Fill out the Order Tickers form with us to find out about the special for any events.


Speed Dating makes you a little bit more social. I don't go out much and normally stay late in the office. City Date made it easier for me to meet someone outside of my circle. The event was very possitive, no pressure. All people were very nice. Thank you for good organization too.

Henry, 40


"The Voice of Russia" will interview City Date and discuss speed dating trends in Moscow mid January, 2011. Watch out for the updates on the exact time of the interview.

The interview is broadcasted in English in New York City.



Передача на канале ТВ-центр про Speed Dating с участием City Date


Для тех кто не смог посмотреть передачу о вечеринках формата Speed Dating, организуемых нашей компанией, мы выкладываем запись этого видеосюжета.

Нажмите на ссылку внизу, чтобы перейти к сюжету:

Посмотреть видеосюжет о вечеринках знакомств Speed Dating.