Speed Dating makes you a little bit more social. I don't go out much and normally stay late in the office. City Date made it easier for me to meet someone outside of my circle. The event was very possitive, no pressure. All people were very nice. Thank you for good organization too.
Henry, 40
Racing towards romance
Moscow, a city that never sleeps (according to DJ Smash’s 2007 single), has yet another activity to offer both locals and new transplants: speed-dating. On autumn and winter evenings, young and single Muscovites descend upon speed-dating parties to meet new people – and possibly their soulmates.
Speed dating à Moscou : mode d’emploi
Pour trouver l’âme sœur, sept minutes suffisent amplement. Les amateurs du speed dating – rencontres amoureuses express – en sont convaincus. Le Courrier de Russie a décidé de vérifier l’hypothèse.
Experience Speed Dating
When you go to your first speed dating event you'll want to make sure to be yourself. Dress like you would for a date, unless otherwise specified, and be prepared with some topics that you can bring up if conversation gets a bit stale.
Speed dating was the best fun I had in ages
The trick to successful speed dating is not to take it too seriously. It is meant to be a bit of fun, an enjoyable way to spend an evening. Don’t get me wrong, love can and will blossom at these events, however this is usually a result of the introduction and subsequent dates.